Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Guide in Autosurf Credit

Khi bạn surf là bạn xem trang web của người khác, Sử dụng Credit là để người khác có thể xem trang của bạn khi người đó surf.

Sử dụng Credit để người khác có thể xem trang của bạn, là việc làm bắt buộc đối với tất cả những thành viên tham gia kiếm tiền ở trang autosurf

Khi kiếm tiền ở trang autosurf thì không những bạn kiếm được tiền mà còn kiếm được credit để hiển thị trang web của bạn cho người khác xem. Dù muốn hay không bạn phải sử dụng credit để hiển thị trang web của bạn. Nếu không ai hiển thị trang web của mình cho người khác xem thì hệ thống autosurf không thể tồn tại được. Tôi đã nhận được 7 email của các Admin gửi nhắc nhở là phải sử dụng credit! Chắc chắn là nhiều bạn cũng nhận được những email nhắc nhở đó của các Admin từ các trang autosurf khác nhau, nhưng có điều là nhiều bạn không bao giờ đọc email của các Admin gửi nên không để ý đến điều đó.

Để sử dụng credit thì bạn phải thực hiện các bước sau:

  1. Điền tên và địa chỉ web site của bạn
  2. Kích hoạt web site
  3. Chia credit cho web site

1. Điền tên và địa chỉ web site của bạn

Khi đăng ký kiếm tiền ở trang autosurf thì đã có mục điền địa chỉ và tên web site, nếu bạn chưa làm điều đó thì có thể điền sau khi login vào tài khoản.

Thông tin về web site của bạn có dạng như sau:

Site detals (you may add up to ... sites - bạn có thể điền tối đa là ... web site)

Site Name URL Total hits Since last mail Credits CPH Status
Finance http://www.finance.kiem-tien.com/ Click here to confirm this site Waiting
Computes http://www.computers.kiem-tien.com/ 0 0 0 2 Pending
Business http://www.business.kiem-tien.com/ 0 0 0 3 Enabled
Info http://www.info.kiem-tien.com/ 0 0 0 4 Enabled
Add new site
  • Site name: Tên web site
  • URL: Địa chỉ web site
  • Total hits: tổng số lượt hiển thị websit
  • Since last mail: Số lượt hiển thị webste từ khi Admin gửi mail nhắc nhở.
  • Credits: Số credit (số lượt hiển thị websit còn lại)
  • CPH: số lượt hiển thị web site trong 1 giờ, nếu bạn điền là 2 thì số lượt hiển thị trong 1 giờ là 2 lần, trong một ngày là 2 lần/giờ x 24 giờ = 48 lần. Nếu ở trang autosurf mỗi ngày bạn kiếm được khoảng từ 50 - 100 credit thì bạn nên điền ở mục này từ 2 - 4 để số lượt hiển thì web site của bạn trong 1 ngày tương đương với số credit mà bạn kiếm được (chú ý: mục này chỉ xuất hiện khi bạn đã nâng cấp acount)
  • Status: tình trang web site:
    • Waiting: đang chờ kích hoạt
    • Pending: Bạn đã kích hoạt nhưng còn chờ Admin thẩm tra
    • Enabled: đã kích hoạt xong, sãn sàng để được hiển thị cho người khác surf

Để điền web site của bạn thì bạn click vào mũi tên ở cuối hàng: Add new site khi đó sẽ hiện ra trang để bạn điền thông tin:

  • Site Name: Điền tên web site
  • Site URL: Điền địa chỉ web site
  • Site langguage: ngôn ngữ web site, bạn có thể lựa chọn ngôn ngữ trong danh sách trên chục thứ tiếng, đáng tiếc là không có tiếng Việt)
  • Credits to use per hour (CPH): số lượt hiển thị trong 1 giờ

Sau đó bạn click vào nút "Add"

Chú ý:

  1. Các trang Autosurf không cho phép cài web site có nội dung đồi trụy, khiêu dâm, có chứa pop-up, hoặc có chứa những script gây khó khăn, cản trở đến hoạt động của hệ thống. Nếu bạn không chấp hành nội quy này thì Admin sẽ thông báo yêu cầu bạn gỡ bỏ web site ra khỏi danh sách, nếu bạn vẫn không chấp hành thì có thể bạn sẽ bị xóa account!
  2. Nếu bạn không có web site, không biết điền gì thì bạn có thể sử dụng những web site mà tôi đã nêu trong bảng ví dụ ở trên (ngôn ngữ web site là English)

2. Kích hoạt web site

Bạn click vào link có dòng chữ: Click here to confirm this site

Khi đó web site của bạn được mở ra với dòng thông tin ở đầu: When the timer above shows GO! click Confirm My Site

Sau khoảng 25s khi thấy có hiện ra chữ GO thì bạn click vào nút "Confirm My Site"

Khi đó hiện ra dòng chữ: Your site has been approved and is now ready for others to view!
thì bạn click vào link: Members Home

Ở đa số các trang khi đó ở cột Status có hiện chữ Enabled, tức là web site của bạn đã kích hoạt xong và chờ được chia credit để được hiển thị. Ở một số trang thì có chữ Waiting hoặc Pending, có nghĩa là còn phải chờ để Admin thẩm tra, sau đó mới kích hoạt.

3. Chia credit cho web site

Ở một số trang (ví dụ: AussieEarners) có mục: Auto alocate (tự động chia credit) bạn chỉ cần đánh dấu mục: Automatically allocate credits to Enabledd sites ở trang thay đổi hồ sơ cá nhân thế là hệ thống sẽ tự động chia credit cho web site, bạn không cần phải thường xuyên chia. Ở đa số các trang khác thì bạn phải thường xuyên chia credit. Cách làm như sau:

Ở trang thông tin tài khoản của bạn Members Home bạn click vào mũi tên ở cuối hàng: Account credits (hoặc Allocate)

Điền số lượng credit vào cột Allocate sau đó click vào nút Allocate

Monday, March 30, 2009

Experience helps you make money fast and effective

Read's multiple sites at once with the Opera.

(Experience Quang Anh by referrals)

As you know Opera web browser that opens multiple sites in the (Tab), a window of the Opera, you can open multiple sites.
We apply this function to read Opera's mail by login to the site and read messages in the Inbox. When reading a message, each page will open in 3 tab (Tab)
1. Home
2. Page containing the message
3. link in the message is opened
One message read to many pages by opening multiple windows of the Opera, a window to read 1 page, including 3 cards (Tab)
Steps to conduct:

1. Installing Opera, if you do not have Opera, you can download from here
2. To open multiple windows is the Opera do the following: the Sauk board the Opera to a New File or windows we use the keyboard combination: Ctrl + Alt + N. That way we open around 9 or 12 windows of the Opera.
3. To screen "desktop" in the "Title Hoiontally Windows (hover to the" taskbar "to click, check the" Title Horiontally Windows "then all the windows will Opera scaled and arranged to become on the screen (3 or 4 line, 3 rows each window)
Read messages:

You open turn left over from the right, from top to bottom:
- Open your link page first
- Open link in second page
- Open link page 3
- Open link by Page 4
- ...
When you open the link to Page 12 the time of Page 1 is finished (you may recognize as will be shown the words "Your account has been credited. Thanh you!") And you open 1 link new work by you only click and click

When reading the page to do that you double click on title of Opera choc window or enlarge it on the screen, to open link, open the message more easily, open the link is completed you double click on title of the Opera for windows it's out of the initial state, and you switch to another site.

This way you can read the message and click banner for 12 pages in the same time is very fast and very effective

Note: To delete cookies and History link, page in the web browser Opera is doing the following:
Tool -> Delete Private Data ... -> Advandce -> Manage cookies -> Delete (tick all Cookies) -> Close -> Delete

Sunday, March 29, 2009


1. Account Name

* Account Name: Name your account
* Description: Note - may leave this box
* Additional Description: Note - may leave this box

2. User Name

* User Name: Username
* Description: Note - may leave this box

3. Point of Contact

* Name: Name
* Address: Address your
* City: City in your location
* State / Province: Province
* Country: Philippines
* Zipcode: 70000 (for you in the South), 20000 (for you in the North)
* Email: Your email address
* Phone number: Phone (eg +844 xxxxxxx)
o 084: number of telephone Vietnam
o 04: Code of Hanoi
o xxxxxxx: your phone number, including No. 7
o total you must write: +844 xxxxxxx (note that the first record + instead of the number 0 in the number of Vietnam and the city)
* Fax: You can look to this box
* Alternate Passphrase: Password backup, often used to

4. Passphrase

* E-gold New Account Passphrase: password of your login account (must include both letters and numbers, at least 6 characters)
* E-gold New Account Passphrase again: Write again password

5. Turing Number Entry

* Enter security number (note: this is not your account number)

If you have completed all the boxes then click "Open" and then wait some time.

You open the box with your email, you will see it send e-Gold, have in your account. You need to save this message or in the paper, because in the important information regarding your account.

To log in (login) to the account you use that account to send e-Gold to you in the mail and password that you entered in the New Account e-gold Passphrase.

Unfortunately, no form of direct transfer from your account e-Gold about Vietnam.

There are several forms of cash:

1. Talking to someone, if someone want to transfer money to your account e-Gold, you can use a form of exchange, you transfer money from your account e-gold to your account e-Gold's, and person pays you. the best way to apply "money given porridge items" or to choose who you trust.
2. Talking to someone to Moneybookers account. Not directly transfer money from account to e-Gold Moneybookers account, but if someone has money in Moneybookers account and want to transfer money to e-Gold, you can use a form of exchange, then you move money from Moneybookers account to your personal account. Fees as follows:
1. When you receive money to your e-Gold, you will bear the fee is 1% of the amount received.
2. When transferring money from account to Moneybookers Moneybookers account by other people you will bear the fee is 1% of the money.
3. When you transfer money from Moneybookers account to individual accounts, the fee is 1.80 EURO for a transfer. If your account is your MB is USD fee will be charged in USD prices by USD at that time.

Use the account e-Gold
Login (login)

You access to e-gold.com page then click on item: Access Your Account will show you the form for you to enter your login information:

1. Account number: You write your account number
2. Passphrase: Password
3. Turning Number: You enter the security code you see in the box next to


When you login to your e-Gold e-Gold If detection is the number you use with other machines that you use to login first time, for example: IP number of the machine, the web browser you use .. will request you enter your PIN. in that case you need immediate access to your mailbox, you will see a message by e-Gold, you copy the PIN number and enter it on the e-Gold, PIN that time only 15 minutes!
Check the amount available in your account (balans)

You click on items: Balance will appear on the money in your account:

1. Current Value in .. : USD-US $: Currencies in your account U.S. $
2. Total: .... The amount available in your account

Information transfer, receipt

Click on your Category: History

1. Starting Date: You want to see information on any date that is in this category
2. Ending Date: You want the information to date is that date in this entry
3. Payments Received: Received money, If you want to see the receipt marked in this category.
4. Fees: Fees
5. Payments Made: Transfer.
6. Many other more, but I have not ever used, so I do not have here.
7. After you have selected the finish, you click on: View Detailed History will show you the details, transfer money, receive money, fee ...

Send money (transfer money to other people)

You can not transfer more than the amount you have in your account.

When you want to send money to your account e-gold's other items to you: Spend will appear for you to fill out Form Information:

1. Pay: Record the account number you want to
2. Amount: The amount you want to move
3. Choose units ...: Choose worth U.S. Dollars (U.S. $)

Note: This is important, you want to transfer money in U.S. dollars, Euros or other currencies must be recorded properly.
4. Memo: Content, title transfer, you can write or not write is
5. Lastly, click the button: Preview
6. On the next page you can check the information: including account name and account e-gold (Account Name) that you want to transfer to is if you first send money to your account which is where you'll shows the information in that word as follows:

This is the first time you have spent to this particular e-gold account.
Please make sure that it is the account that you intend to spend to.
7. You check if it is the account you need to move it OK, if you mistakenly write the account number, you can return to the previous page and enter your account number correctly.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Upgrade instructions in the account page Autosurf

You need to know!

When you submit money to upgrade the account that amount is considered lost, they are not refundable if you do not want to make money for them anymore. When you deposit money to buy them in some days of

example: information in a page is: 5% / day, the time limit is 25 days, the sites need to surf the pages of 25 means that each batch deposit them right you make money within 25 days, every day when you surf a minimum of 25 pages, you earn 5% of the money you have submitted to them.

Thus, in the autosurf sites want to make the money then ask you to surf regularly, preferably is not removed on time. Since you have decided to put the money to buy a certain number of days that you do not surf for the rest day is lost on the U.S..

To upgrade the account in which it is first you must be logged in (Login) on that page, after you login, click "Upgrade / Buy" or you can click on the arrow (or the "Edit") in information to the end "Member Level"
When it opens you to the page you enter information upgrade

* At entry: Purchase this many Upgrade Unit (s): You enter the number of units you want to upgrade, for example, 1 unit

Upgrade your account with Moneybookers

* Payment Method is: You choose Moneybookers
* Then you click on "Preview"
* At the next page click on the Moneybookers Ikon
* When will you open the page by Moneybookers to enter login information
* After login is complete, the next page, the "Payment Confirmation" you click on "Confirm"
* At the next page, the "Send Money" you enter your birth date (day / month / year)
* Then click "Next"
* At the next page, the "Confirmation Status" click on the "OK" button
* When it will return pages Autosurf
* In Autosurf page you will find at your Level Meber increased 1 unit

Note: How to upgrade account page in the same well, can a little bit different, in some they do not adjust rates now account level, which does have information that they will examine will then adjust level account level, usually have to wait about 24 - 36h, if the time period that you could not see how account level is adjusted, you need to contact the Admin of that page, notice that you have to deposit upgrade account
Upgrade your account using e-Gold

* Payment Method at your chosen e-Gold
* Then Click on "Preview"
* At the next page does have information, for example: You have requested to buy 1 unit upgrade @ $ 5 per Upgrade Unit. Total: $ 5 via e-Gold, click on Ikon's e-Gold, then you will open your page by e-Gold
* In e-Gold with information: e-metal payment order, you enter information: your account number, password, security code and then Click on "Preview"
* At the next page with the information: To confirm this transaction, please press the Confirm button. If you need to change any item, press browser Back button, correct the form and resubmit it. If you wish to the payment, please press the Cancel button.
o click on the "Confirm" If you want to continue to transfer
o Click on "Back" if you want to return to previous page to change information
o Click Cancel button if you want to cancel the transfer
* Once you click on "Confirm", the next page you will find information, for example: Transaction Posted! e-Gold Payment batch #: 47207985
* You click on "Continue", then you will return to the page autosurf

Note: How to upgrade account page in the same well, can a little bit different, in some they do not adjust rates now account level, which does have information that they will examine will then adjust level account level, usually have to wait about 24 - 36h, if the time period that you could not see how account level is adjusted, you need to contact the Admin of that page, notice that you have to deposit upgrade account
Upgrade with the money in autosurf

* Purchase this at many Upgrade Unit (s) you enter the number of units you want to buy (for example: 1 units)
At * Payment Method: Select My Cash Balance ...
* Then you click "Continue"
* When it appears to you information: Succes! You just puchased 1 Upgrade Units @ $ 4 each. (Success! You buy 1 upgrade units, each unit is $ 4)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Make money online easy or difficult?

Many ads that make money online very easy! That is not to have?

When you're online, you access a page on any ads, or any forum that you experience the ad money on the Internet with the title is very attractive, such as: Make Money on the Internet really is true! . Make money on the network HOT. Make money online actually 100% of 50 - 200 USD / month. Make money effectively on the Internet. Do not miss the chance to make your money. Make money without investment. Make Money on the Internet easy, high. Make money online - work at home. Opportunities to attract money are waiting for you. How to make money easiest way here. Make money not lose capital and effort. Earn money online fast and efficient. A make money online fast. Make money online with ... Make money online 100% real. How to make money on the Internet most prestige. 1 address money and prestige safety ... The ads that title very attractive but also the full power of persuasion! Must recognize that many people in advertising, have more knowledge about marketing and they have ... convinced!

Many people read the ad in line hăm crack, registration money now! but some people are making money patience, Durable and they earn an amount worthy of the effort they put out!

Remaining only be pursued for a few days, also is 1-2 months and then depressed, remove the!
So making money online is easy or difficult?

If you want to reply to your question, you need to participate in making money on the internet (make money on the Internet, online, online, over the network) is at least several months, you can know!
But now I can answer your questions!

Ago on 2 years, when online, I accidentally read a ad network that making money online (make money online) very easy! I hăm them up, and join right now to make wind! I also demonstrated is the patience, determination high, are not you?
During the last time I had drawn the conclusion that money on the Internet easy and just tacky!


* Read email not need to know much about computers and the internet. Receive, open the message and then click on the link in the message one can do!
* Make money surfing the web (Get Paid To Autosurf) is back as easily. Open a web browser, login to autosurf page, click on Start and then sit Surfing view site advertising the change-over in the period after the 20s also childish to do!


* Trouble is to find a reputable site, you receive the tien. Not all sites will pay for you, there are many fraud (SCAM)!. According to my comments is to have over 90% of the page fraud. Pages prestige, actually pay only about 10% of the total pages currently exist on the internet!
* A mistake that everyone have (including me) when you start making money on the Internet by reading e-mail advertising (Get Paid To Read) pages are selected email high-value from 5 - 10 cent or more. It is a big mistake, the sites send mail large value is that the payment to members. It easy to understand all, you do a calculation is known. Suppose a site has 10 000 members and their email value 10 cents. the company to buy ads to pay not less than $ 1 000 (0.1 x 10 $ 000 members). So they collected money advertising is very low, for example: 10cent solo mail to all only $ 1.98 (mail advertising value of 10 cents sent to all members, only $ 1.98). This is not including the site must also pay host, tien domen, and then have to put a bag of money to live without it anymore. Most people have the wrong is to start making money on the network are the sites selected email high value, and the result is read email without pay.
* Pages GPTR pay actual mail is sent with very low value of about 1 cent, even less than 1 cent. Therefore, also earn money is not easy.
* To read email earn money, you need to know little English, need to pay attention to not mistakenly click link to cheat, if you click the link to cheat they will delete your account and like how much effort by you go home with life!
To really make money, it must be even, Durable, and determination to take time and effort. Must be relatively long you can collect sufficient amount of the minimum (Payout) to be paid. Since the claim until you receive the funds also have to wait some time more!

If you do not patience, just want to make money in short period of time, as soon as possible the money on the internet (make money on the Internet, network, online, online) is not the most appropriate for you ! The best that you should not join because if you only pursue some day, also is 1-2 months leaving only the time useless!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Strategies make money in autosurf site with investment minimum

As you know, in the autosurf sites you can earn lots of money provided that you have invested.

I pursued the job making money on the internet (make money on the web) this is relatively long, and I also understand the difficulties of the majority of you want the money but no investment. Here I plan make money with a capital of at least $ 12 so you can reference.

One that you need to know is if we invest in cash, the less we must invest more time, which means we will use the money in a page to more investment, so you must understand is that a long time you can have income substantially!
Step 1. Register your money in some most prestigious.

1. Subscribe to Vivasurf page you are awarded bonus $ 10 and $ 5 to upgrade the account, so you have $ 15 account level, every day you will earn 3% of $ 15 = $ 0.45. The duration of the unit is 70 days, minimum to be paid is $ 8, Full payment on 20 monthly.
2. Sign up to have some bonus bonus level in the account and allow money to be in it to upgrade to account, I advise you the following:
1. Maximumsurf: $ 5 Bonus, the payment 1% / day, a period of time to upgrade is 365 days, you have to surf all day, every 100 earn $ 5 to upgrade to account.

Note: Since page autosurf or change rules, so when you subscribe to the page I mentioned above may be in some bonus was not awarded again. You check tong entry: account level (or member level) is recorded if the $ 0 that they did not award bonus again, if you do not have money to upgrade the account in which you should leave, because the $ 0 mức level you will not earn anything, have also surf useless.

Step 2. Conduct money on the web and application methods used money to upgrade account

1. In 12DailyPro money very quickly, after 12 days when the unit expires with money unit will in the state for payment (with status: "pending" after 7 days, you paid money into account that you used to upgrade the account, for example: e-Gold)
2. When you earn money from relatively 12DailyPro page, you can use that money to upgrade the account in the following:
1. Autosurf300: This page now more Bonus award, the payment 1% / day, a period of time to upgrade is 300 days, you have to surf all day, every 100 earn $ 5 to upgrade to account.
2. ProfoundHitz: payment rate 1% / day, a period of time to upgrade is 365 days, you have to surf all day, every 100 earn $ 10 to upgrade to account.
3. You just continue to surf and use the money used in a page to upgrade account up to when you can see is satisfied with the level acount level that you use only 1 you the money to upgrade level account instead of the unit expires, the remaining amount you claim.

When you have patience to surf this level I think you have the experience to make money on the internet, so maybe I do not need to add water Mách you more!
Things to know about making money online

1. Make Money on the Internet (Make Money on the Internet) is a job that requires you to be patient, must continually surf, do not try to remove a day, especially in the pages with the short-term unit.
2. If you have less capital you have to invest much time, right after a long time making money online, you can earn money that you dream.
3. If you do not have patience, determination to make money online, you or dampen, if you know that you only pursue the job making money online in a few days or 1-2 months is the best you not involved in making money online, only time useless! This is not appropriate for you!

Make money surfing the web

Other than reading e-mail ads, make money surfing the web is bringing employment income, but requires you to invest the new revenue be.

Surf the pages for each day you surf the web from 1% to about 6% of your account (account level). If your deposit account to upgrade it as high as you earn more money. Each upgrade unit (unit) has period. Normally the page level by 1% payment for the life of the unit is 365 days, the payment page is higher than for the life of the unit much less, only about a few dozen days, the higher payment the life of the unit short.
You need to know


1. When submitting money to upgrade the account that amount is considered as lost!. They do not reimburse you if you do not want to make more money.
2. When submitting money to upgrade the account means you earn money to buy a certain number of days.
3. For example: information about StudioTraffic as follows: 1% / day, duration is 365 days, minimum amount to upgrade is $ 10 (1 unit = $ 10), number of pages need to surf each day is 100 pages. It means that when you submit a minimum of $ 10, you will have the money within 365 days, each day you surf the full 100 page, you will be charged is 1% of the amount you submit to (1% of 10 $)
4. You can deposit account to upgrade as many stage, each stage has a duration of 365 days (in StudioTraffic).
5. Each day you surf the full amount of pages you will be charged with 1% of the total value of the unit has not yet expired.
6. Regulations of different sites, the site's high percentage (eg 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 6% even 12%) the number of days for their money is short, only a few ten days, even in only a few days.

So you see that want to earn more money need to be invested. You can invest money, time, or just by investing money in just the time. I make the main method of investment in both money just in time. Initially I used money to upgrade the account in a few pages, when earn enough money in unit 1 I use the money to upgrade the account, just so I intend to use money to upgrade the account in page that I make enough each payment amount is then I do not stop upgrading every month that will earn money to pay. I just upgraded to account as high as possible to earn more money in my page that is highly reputable.

The implementation of policies that now that I still use the money to upgrade the account at the sites should not surf cash. Currently I only get money from Dailyhitz.com, this page is only allowed money to upgrade the account 1 time per month. For this I make a policy since the first month I make enough money to upgrade my account is upgraded, then the money paid to them, when they pay me the money I use it submitted back to upgrade account.

At this time because of limited time that I have not introduced my bill on the payment page web surfing. In the left column has a list of sites that I currently participate, with some pages I introduced my bill, but many sites only link to register.

In the next time I will try additional message billion fine on each page, of course I will disseminate the page I have received money before, but the sites have not received my money will be popular in the bill.

Earn money by reading e-mail

Earn money by reading e-mail advertising money is most popular. You can make money without having to take a time of capital, but the money is not much!. Pages prestige, they pay for new mail very low, contributing to the amount of the minimum Payout is very long!. The page send mail with a large value then you should forget and it is fraud, they never pay!

In my list are the only page I found a reputable, but they send the mail with very low value, so you should only look for a way to, not how rich!

Earn money by surfing the web form (surf) will make a lot of money but requires that you have invested. Specifically, you see in: make money surfing the web
How to distinguish between sites Get Paid To Read is a fraud (SCAM)?

1. Avoid the remote site to send mail from value 5cent up.
2. The page sent tomorrow with values from 2 to 5 cents, you need to check for reliability by comparing prices of new ads and their price they will pay for members to read email. If the price of new ads less than the amount they will pay to the members, then we can assert that it is fraud. No one under the business model put out bags of money to pay for its members. Coa You can check by the following:
1. Access GPTR that you want to check
2. To Category: Advertising you see the new price their ads, for example, in bank-mails.com information as follows: 6 cents solo to all members (60 seconds): $ 1.75 Just see the new price their ads $ 1.75 is known as SCAM page. If you want to read the cup is made as follows: 6 cents x 50246 members = $ 3014.76. If all members are clicking on the mail they will pay for members is $ 3014.76 so they collected money by showing ads only $ 1.75. You or draw conclusions

Only registered money to reputable site (NO SCAM)!

We have drawing experience, just register on the site actually paid, not the page fraud!

I work hard to pages that I introduced in this site are reputable, but not easy!

There are many pay back after not only tea! This case most common in the case of site changes owners (webmasters). There are many who fraud, mercenary see which pages are reputable, there are many members that he purchased and get rich in a time when it is from reputable sites become fraud (SCAM), many members chán remove the solder then sold the company to others!
money-cops-on-top-of-world3.jpg image by ruby264

If you detect any list that I have introduced any page in the most recent payment is not suggested that you email me, I will remove it from the list and notify all who knows!
How to distinguish information Make money online is reliable?

1. You should know that making money online (make money online, network, online, online) is true but not easily.
2. Avoid the company seems to be to make money, easy for you, it is difficult for them, before later they will not earn enough money to pay for you.
3. Do not be greedy select companies seem to make money,
4. Reference Forum on the topic of money in Vietnam and abroad to see their speeches about how it.
5. If you have a post where the certificate of payment, you see the evidence is old or new? If someone has to receive half years ago before that have not found new evidence, not necessarily the current company that is still reliable!


1. For prestige, the page you need to seriously read tomorrow, to have money to pay interest to its members they must maintain team member trust, so they cheat or send mail or mail with link to the cheat see the member has read the email or not? meals or just click on link? know English? so you need to have capital in English for at least distinguish the fake mail!
2. To not be deleted account you refer to information at: You should note

6. 2. Should have experience in making money.

On this web site, I tried to disseminate the experience of making money on the internet (make money on the Internet, network, online, online) that I have collected for years, since reading experience tomorrow, surf experience , how to register and use your bank account online e-Gold, Moneybookers, StormPay ... experiences to use computers, because computers are the number 1 to you money on the internet (make money on the Internet, network, online, online) can help you to make money fast and effective .

Can you ask the question: Why do I popularized the experience that without confidentiality for their own?

* From the experience itself, I know that many when you start making money on the internet (make money on the Internet, network, online, online) is much less known, so easily depressed and then remove the . If I can convince you register that you not only how to make money, you are only involved a few days and then chán not anymore, so I made you take the time useless, and you have cause I'm responsible for my ad in fiddling, not really.
* If I show you how to make money when you earn all the money you and I are satisfied.

I show you all the information necessary to make money on the internet (make money on the Internet, network, online, online), if you are determined to have high, and you consider that this work suitable for you then please subscribe to the pay page to read email or autosurf site that I introduced.

List of pages read mail payment (Get Paid To Read)

List pages paid surf the web (Get Paid To Autosurf)

When you join make money on the internet (make money on the Internet, network, online, online), you also need a bank account online (online bank). Specific information on how to register and use bank accounts online: e-Gold, Moneybookers, StormPay, I own popularity in each category.

To make money effectively you should refer to the experiences that I have on popular web sites, if you have concerns you can contact me via email or chat in yahoo messenger.

5. Methods to increase income when making money online:

5. 1. Sign up for email read many

To increase income when making money on the network (via network, direct communication, online), you also need to register to read more tomorrow GPTR page, but an understandable message is read for many, you lose more time. Your selection by ability that registration number to the appropriate page.
5. 2. Make money in many surf (Get Paid To Surf)


You need the ability to follow their registration number of the page to suit your time. You should know that the page you need to surf to work every day, especially in the page limit is less money (life's short unit). Un-time information is lost on them. If you put too many days you do not earn anything, even in you will be negative, in the wall of your deposit account to upgrade!
5. 3. Building network (Refer)

Methods to increase income when making money on the internet (make money on the Internet, network, online, online) is introduced to as many people as possible (network building). That is why that many people's ads on the internet make money online very easy. So myself, I put the money to buy a host, domain names, then I take a lot of time and effort to create this web site is to build the network.

I want an explanation for you to understand is a common issue in the network page and read email autosurf different!
In the pages to read e-mail (Get Paid To Read)

Your bonus depends on the amount that the network earns
In the Surf page (Get Paid To AutoSurf)

Defining at each site are different, for specific, you need to reference the provisions of each page, here are some things to know:

* You can only receive bonus network if you upgrade account
* Your Bonus depend on the amount members of the network filed for the company to upgrade the account, regardless of the amount of members to upgrade from money in the (compound) and are not dependent the amount of money members earn in the surf page.

6. How to make money through network performance?

I have to make money performance you need to know the following:

1. Select page prestigious really pay
2. Should have experience in reading email or surfing the web to take a little time

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Forms of making money on the internet (make money on the Internet)

The form of money through the most popular but now I am involved are:


Earn money by reading emails advertising

Surfing the web earn money (Make money with autosurf)

Make money in GSO-media

Make money in klamm.de

4. 1. Earn money by reading e-mail message advertising

This is a form of money through the most popular, online when you are sure that you get more ads on the way money online this one. Main ago on my 2 years and start making money with this method. Specific information about methods of making money I own in popular categories: Make money by reading e-mail ad
Appearance money is 2:
4. 2. Make money surfing the web (Get Paid To Surf)

I make money form this after reading the e-mail ads. Can the company is the first StudioTraffic which company oldest and most prestigious. operation principles of this type of company is the member deposit account to upgrade (I can understand that underground fees members), so that the member is entitled to make money in it in a period, each day the members must surf a number of ad pages that regulated companies will be charged a percentage of account level% level (in StudioTraffic rate is 1%, time is money is 365 days, so, if you submit for the company, every day you earn 1% of the amount that you submit to, ie within 1 year you will earn 365% of the money you put out). The company uses money which you submit them to business in other sectors, money they earn interest to pay for the members, for you.
money tree5.jpg (1165561 bytes)

So sure you understand that this job allows you to earn lots of money if you invest a lot!

But drilling ... Mừng seats with you ...!

If the company has business interest, they have money to pay for you, if the business failed it? When they run away from a high bay, one can come at any time you want access to their page, but not! not see that Admin email notification that they have trouble at all, a week and then 2-3 weeks passed still do not see steam! The money you take home with life!

There are many false pretenses, promises to pay a high percentage, 4-5% per day, time money around 50-60 days or more, the money to its members easily. According to information from their page is within 50-60 days you will earn 300-400% or more money, whether they be business to earn 300-400% interest in short period of time as this?

Read this section to ensure you pessimistic, depressed too! Correct? But you know the seats with, I have news to tell you happy!

There are many companies reward bonus amount to $ 4-10 account level, when you sign up make money for them, so you can start making money without investing a cent any!

When you make money, you can use the money to upgrade the account, the account level to higher level, you will earn more money. So you can make money in a few pages without investment, not fear losing any money!

Specific information about the form this money at surfing the web earn money - earn money with autosurf. There I particularly popular way registered by surf, how to upgrade account, how to surf multiple pages at once ...
4. 3. Make money in GSO-media

This is the first entirely in Vietnamese, for Vietnamese people. Currently you can make money on this site by reading an email ad pages Get Paid To Read e-mail (GPTR) overseas, but the other is the message the ad is in English.

You read about specific registration and your money Category: Make Money in GSO-media
4. 4. Make money in Klamm.de

This is the German site, entirely in German. Earn money in this lot, ask your online time more, so this is a job suitable for those who use the computer, have online continuously.

If your online time more, you can combine making money on this site without much impact to the day that you often do.

Minimum to be paid is 5 EURO. Up to 8 months in 2005 I received 2 money from this page to your online bank Moneybookers.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

So who can join? This is suitable for those who do?

Anyone can join make money online, but ...


Must have the patience, determination high!

You must define thought to be after several months you can get money first.

If you read this paragraph to ensure that you have the patience, so please read more information about the form of money over the network (the network, online, online), the methods to increase income, the my experience to help you make money fast and efficient.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Make money online is Easy (you have to try it) $ 50 is only a small number

Make Money Network 1 effectively.

average every 10 days then 2 weeks you have $ 50 in your pocket (you delicious ko)
That examinations are (hehehe)

As you know "make money on the Internet" naotam.info this has become a business online attractive and promises many things interesting. Chac co le are already participating in several money and I think most of the tables within that phai khong? First is the join of the fraudulent site that introduced you to is not identified it is paid or not. Secondly if you have to join a reputable news site examination this page to pay through long thap nen moi dat tien minimum threshold that allows you to withdraw funds. And you dejected and miss between them. Thu skin that also many times in the status of loans and making money on the Internet has become an impressive xau crime during the time. King time cost king useless without bringing anything effective. But now I already have a whole new look of this. Why are you disappointed? Chang you have not committed through the dollar to do work you've experienced in a long time phai khong. If you follow me and what I instructions below, I ensure you will receive because the first time I have received your check cashfiesta and this changed how I see your ROI. And for the provision of the phai khong? Me know if suong said, the ban will be for fraudulent or advertise it. I'll have to see the image check that I receive naotam.info 13/4/2007 cashfiesta do send me. Indeed, this surprise for me. I join cashfiesta since 2004 but is horse riding View thoi not achieve the results. Did you know cashfiesta biggest obstacle is not? Is not van de kiem diem dau, neu actual healthcare regularly (if you have net at home test results roi) thi kiem diem 100,000 / month is too normal. However, a difficult matter to be registered for duoc may cai de offer based on the flow rate cashfiesta pay for themselves. The registration offer as much competition as possible, but not have much to offer you choose because we are Asian but, if you test in the U.S. this has to switch over easily. What can offer the Register is available free to offer the world free (ie without easy credit card verification). I see by 1 month, cashfiesta also offer them a few for us. As in April this I have over 6 cai luon day. The past is enough. However, when you must register very carefully follow the directions of cashfiesta, at least you must login in cashfiesta (usually you must check for the nick chu welcome it cashfiesta logout often lasting years mot thoi gian dinh ki nothing changes on the site). And you must also register for a member of the pages that offer instructions, provide phai chu y mail address registered in cashfiesta. These experience that you can master when you make money with cashfiesta.chemas-microsoft-com ffice ffice "/>>>
Here is a link images as evidence:
For photos from mobile phones and not ask mo scan, the thong cam nhe ban!

Are really easy! Very Hot!

CASHFIESTA is one of the programs make money on the internet on the network's most famous, this is the program more money for all participants. Average on a CASHFIESTA members pay about 90 dollars per month and many members of CASHFIESTA easily earn 500-600 USD per month.

We use CASHFIESTA like?

We must register as a member of CASHFIESTA and CASHFIESTA download programs on your computer. Each time we open to the Internets and the CASHFIESTA will appear ads. Each time using the internet CASHFIESTA we will be especially high 1USD (equivalent 15.800/gio). CASHFIESTA payment for our products? CASHFIESTA payment to all countries in the world with the transfer form by mail by check guarantee. After receiving the check you ID the bank to withdraw money.

CASHFIESTA where money to pay for us?

CASHFIESTA money collected money mainly through advertising by big companies in the world. CASHFIESTA costs that we pay for only a very small part compared with its earnings.

You can earn money from as many CASHFIESTA?

There are 2 ways of making money option you:
+ Method 1: If you just want to make more money to pay for the Internet and to spend some vặt on the Internet each time you just remember running CASHFIESTA program, each time you use the Internet you must take the 3000d / hour is you can check from CASHFIESTA maximum 10.000d / h. Means you benefit 7000d / h when using the Internet. If only every day on the Internet, average 1 hour a month you earn from 300.000đ CASHFIESTA.
+ Method 2: If you have any real interest to make more forms of income and want to make it a revenue as they have do it than to use direct CASHFIESTA to introduce you to real CASHFIESTA many other people, assuring you with a few hard months to 3 months you will earn the income of not less.

Why earn so much?

CASHFIESTA because we enjoy the roses while introducing more people to use.

VD: You introduce 3 more users, 3 introduced a new 3 others
3 15% (commission cap 1)
3-9's 7% (roses cap 2)
9 -27 the 5% (commission cap 3)
27 - 81 people 4% (Rose 4)
81 - 243 people 3% (roses cap 5)
243 -729's 2% (roses cap 6)
729 - 2187's 1% (roses cap 7)
2187 - 6561's 1% (roses Cool cap

CASHFIESTA pay commission to us divided into 8 levels according to the rate in the table, the number of referrals is not limited as eg, the level 1 as their only current 150 level 1, level 2 is about 100 people. If you have people using them and everyone on the Internet, just 1 hour per day, the total amount of commission you will about 2413 USD / month. (Also appealing the ban phai khong).

Register as a member like?

Very simple, first you to address:

Authentication Information
+ Login: choose your own, eg tanphu_125 (you must remember the username you choose to later be able to log into the system to check)
+ Pngailamword you ask, at least 6 characters
+ Verify pngailamword: reconfirm Pngailamword you set
- First, tell us where we can send your checks
+ First name: Full name buffer
+ Last name: real name (you have to write their names that, when necessary to receive money)
+ Street address: write address, eg: 123 Tan Phu - Dong Nai (remember the only real move to CASHFIESTA receipt SEC)
+ City: city names, such as: Ho Chi Minh City, Ha Noi
+ Zip / postal code: zip, neu o HCM (or southern provinces) test record is 70,000, if you or in northern Ha Noi test record is 20,000, Hue was 47000 (you can to address http: / / danhba.vdc.com.vn / tracuu / danhba / mavungdt.asp to see other provinces)
+ State: not select, not selected, only for U.S. citizens
+ Province: Province name, province in which the names of the provinces.
+ Country: South Vietnamese
+ Email address: write email addresses, (remember the exact address of your mail)
+ Verify Email address: write your email address.

- Now, please tell us more about yourself
+ Year of birth: year of birth
+ Gender: male (male) + female (female)
+ Education: Choosing which also
+ Annual household income: less than $ 20,000
+ Industry: select which also
+ Title: Choosing which also
+ Additional Information: Check one of the het items --
Payment Information: forms of payment.
+ Preferred check size: select $ 50
Information + Referral + referred by: AkienO
(De I can guarantee to ban thanh cong register or you can as you are introduce you to my company).
- Marked in the I have read and understand the Member Agreement - Click on Submit Registration to complete. If you make the steps and complete information will show up Congratulation of text, if you write sour or incomplete, you must check the information entered, for which content will be the wrong state the color of the text.

How do I program CASHFIESTA vegetarian?

After you have completed the registration on the site http://www.cashfiesta.com/, members in the draft and pngailamword your username to log in, go to the skin site, you earn Download CASHFIESTA of text and clicks to download the CASHFIESTA ve.
- When you will have to CASHFIESTA 1 to your ad at the top of the screen and CASHFIESTA site at the bottom, you can turn off this site, just may be enough CASHFIESTA vegetarian.
- On high optical CASHFIESTA 1 bế the crown, wear green is seated, click undersell the baby is up and walking, as it ngia program is active and will increase if keep the baby and sit down, you must click rê it got up to go forward.
Maoi recommends for you down the kink to owner Bea self-flow
Just resolve neun roi run program is completed thoi
Press the words to Taskmaster chu run Bea
Link http://easycf.51.net/en.zip day
m Who recommended you for the link set down about the program from the line running ỏi not need the
- Closeness of the POINTS of your points, each an hour on the internet points will increase about 600 points (1000 points in 1666 is U.S. Next REFERAL in the box is in the people you are introduced.
- Closeness of the settings is to edit the CASHFIESTA.
- Want to watch minh duoc bao nhieu thi diem to Setting / ACCOUNT / Balance.

Machine outside my internet service using CASHFIES is not?

Yes, If outside services are not installed the program you need to download and http://www.cashfiesta.com/ program on blackjack machine is finished (only takes about 1 minute).

CASHFIESTA will have to pay me 1666 USD for 1000 points is not?

True provided that you to be a member of club of wine GOLD CLUB CASHFIESTA. When you are not a member GOLD CLUB CASHFIESTA Contest will pay you the cap 6 to the Registration special (Special offer) that you get, the Special offer to show that you have involved and concerned about CASHFIESTA.

How do I set the SPECIAL OFFER!

Very simple, the http://www.cashfiesta.com/ the homepage, log in to your account, click Sanskrit SPECIAL OFFER, you will see a rat ad box at the site, or the rice SPECIAL OFFER allow register FREE and worldwide WORLD, simply click that a site will mo len, ban on it and register a member urban sites as you can SPECIAL OFFER 1 (note that when registering you must be running the program and how CASHFIESTA address the same as the email with CASHFIESTA).
- In April 7 / 2004 have the following SPECIAL OFFER register free visit by the Register: eBay UK, HOT MAT, SHOPWIDE, Airline has about a 6.7 to earn the home, you do not remember all. Toi da registered SPECIAL OFFER how to know you can set how much? Board may enter in your account click Sanskrit SPECIAL OFFER DONE, but note from the register is no SPECIAL OFFER 2 to 4 weeks after CASHFIESTA moi check and confirm your SPECIAL OFFER, and also by is why CASHFIESTA payment to us within 30 naotam.info after achieving $ 50.

How to become a member of GOLD CLUB?

Want to be a member of GOLD CLUB you must have the following 3 conditions: register 6 SPECIAL OFFER, earn 10,000 bonus from the Special Offer and achieve 133 GPS.

How earned the GPS?

Moi naotam.info you use CASHFIESTA about 30 minutes will be 1 GPS, each neu naotam.info the members of your use CASHFIESTA and give you 100 points, you are 1 GPS, in addition to the end of the month will CASHFIESTA cong for the maximum of 15 GPS-based so members do demos, CASHFIESTA will add 15 for the GPS based on the total time the members of minh su dung CASHFIESTA. Average 1 month you will be able to earn over 100 GPS.

Why April het pilot points cua toi nhay of 0?

Do not worry the end of every month will balance CASHFIESTA 1 time and save your score is based on comparison SPECIAL OFFER for your payment to you, then you will see your money up in the box last month. How time is CASHFIESTA payment for me? When in your account have the $ 50 exam REQUEST PAYMENT button will show up, click the button to request payment, within 2-4 weeks will test tien ve den Vietnamese Nam (less $ 2 tien free transfer).
Quick on the oi click here to register naotam.info immediately:

NOTE: Remember to introduce a lot for the home game!
Thank you very much!

make money online is easy (you have to try it) $ 50 is only a small number
«On: May 28, 2008, 03:15:53 AM»

Make Money Network 1 effectively.

average every 10 days then 2 weeks you have $ 50 in your pocket (you delicious ko)
That examinations are (hehehe)

As you know "make money on the Internet" naotam.info this has become a business online attractive and promises many things interesting. Chac co le are already participating in several money and I think most of the tables within that phai khong? First is the join of the fraudulent site that introduced you to is not identified it is paid or not. Secondly if you have to join a reputable news site examination this page to pay through long thap nen moi dat tien minimum threshold that allows you to withdraw funds. And you dejected and miss between them. Thu skin that also many times in the status of loans and making money on the Internet has become an impressive xau crime during the time. King time cost king useless without bringing anything effective. But now I already have a whole new look of this. Why are you disappointed? Chang you have not committed through the dollar to do work you've experienced in a long time phai khong. If you follow me and what I instructions below, I ensure you will receive because the first time I have received your check cashfiesta and this changed how I see your ROI. And for the provision of the phai khong? Me know if suong said, the ban will be for fraudulent or advertise it. I'll have to see the image check that I receive naotam.info 13/4/2007 cashfiesta do send me. Indeed, this surprise for me. I join cashfiesta since 2004 but is horse riding View thoi not achieve the results. Did you know cashfiesta biggest obstacle is not? Is not van de kiem diem dau, neu actual healthcare regularly (if you have net at home test results roi) thi kiem diem 100,000 / month is too normal. However, a difficult matter to be registered for duoc may cai de offer based on the flow rate cashfiesta pay for themselves. The registration offer as much competition as possible, but not have much to offer you choose because we are Asian but, if you test in the U.S. this has to switch over easily. What can offer the Register is available free to offer the world free (ie without easy credit card verification). I see by 1 month, cashfiesta also offer them a few for us. As in April this I have over 6 cai luon day. The past is enough. However, when you must register very carefully follow the directions of cashfiesta, at least you must login in cashfiesta (usually you must check for the nick chu welcome it cashfiesta logout often lasting years mot thoi gian dinh ki nothing changes on the site). And you must also register for a member of the pages that offer instructions, provide phai chu y mail address registered in cashfiesta. These experience that you can master when you make money with cashfiesta.chemas-microsoft-com ffice ffice "/>>>
Here is a link images as evidence:
For photos from mobile phones and not ask mo scan, the thong cam nhe ban!

Are really easy! Very Hot!

CASHFIESTA is one of the programs make money on the internet on the network's most famous, this is the program more money for all participants. Average on a CASHFIESTA members pay about 90 dollars per month and many members of CASHFIESTA easily earn 500-600 USD per month.

We use CASHFIESTA like?

We must register as a member of CASHFIESTA and CASHFIESTA download programs on your computer. Each time we open to the Internets and the CASHFIESTA will appear ads. Each time using the internet CASHFIESTA we will be especially high 1USD (equivalent 15.800/gio). CASHFIESTA payment for our products? CASHFIESTA payment to all countries in the world with the transfer form by mail by check guarantee. After receiving the check you ID the bank to withdraw money.

CASHFIESTA where money to pay for us?

CASHFIESTA money collected money mainly through advertising by big companies in the world. CASHFIESTA costs that we pay for only a very small part compared with its earnings.

You can earn money from as many CASHFIESTA?

There are 2 ways of making money option you:
+ Method 1: If you just want to make more money to pay for the Internet and to spend some vặt on the Internet each time you just remember running CASHFIESTA program, each time you use the Internet you must take the 3000d / hour is you can check from CASHFIESTA maximum 10.000d / h. Means you benefit 7000d / h when using the Internet. If only every day on the Internet, average 1 hour a month you earn from 300.000đ CASHFIESTA.
+ Method 2: If you have any real interest to make more forms of income and want to make it a revenue as they have do it than to use direct CASHFIESTA to introduce you to real CASHFIESTA many other people, assuring you with a few hard months to 3 months you will earn the income of not less.

Why earn so much?

CASHFIESTA because we enjoy the roses while introducing more people to use.

VD: You introduce 3 more users, 3 introduced a new 3 others
3 15% (commission cap 1)
3-9's 7% (roses cap 2)
9 -27 the 5% (commission cap 3)
27 - 81 people 4% (Rose 4)
81 - 243 people 3% (roses cap 5)
243 -729's 2% (roses cap 6)
729 - 2187's 1% (roses cap 7)
2187 - 6561's 1% (roses Cool cap

CASHFIESTA pay commission to us divided into 8 levels according to the rate in the table, the number of referrals is not limited as eg, the level 1 as their only current 150 level 1, level 2 is about 100 people. If you have people using them and everyone on the Internet, just 1 hour per day, the total amount of commission you will about 2413 USD / month. (Also appealing the ban phai khong).

Register as a member like?

Very simple, first you to address:

Authentication Information
+ Login: choose your own, eg tanphu_125 (you must remember the username you choose to later be able to log into the system to check)
+ Pngailamword you ask, at least 6 characters
+ Verify pngailamword: reconfirm Pngailamword you set
- First, tell us where we can send your checks
+ First name: Full name buffer
+ Last name: real name (you have to write their names that, when necessary to receive money)
+ Street address: write address, eg: 123 Tan Phu - Dong Nai (remember the only real move to CASHFIESTA receipt SEC)
+ City: city names, such as: Ho Chi Minh City, Ha Noi
+ Zip / postal code: zip, neu o HCM (or southern provinces) test record is 70,000, if you or in northern Ha Noi test record is 20,000, Hue was 47000 (you can to address http: / / danhba.vdc.com.vn / tracuu / danhba / mavungdt.asp to see other provinces)
+ State: not select, not selected, only for U.S. citizens
+ Province: Province name, province in which the names of the provinces.
+ Country: South Vietnamese
+ Email address: write email addresses, (remember the exact address of your mail)
+ Verify Email address: write your email address.

- Now, please tell us more about yourself
+ Year of birth: year of birth
+ Gender: male (male) + female (female)
+ Education: Choosing which also
+ Annual household income: less than $ 20,000
+ Industry: select which also
+ Title: Choosing which also
+ Additional Information: Check one of the het items --
Payment Information: forms of payment.
+ Preferred check size: select $ 50
Information + Referral + referred by: AkienO
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NOTE: Remember to introduce a lot for the home game!
Thank you very much!

make money online is easy (you have to try it) $ 50 is only a small number
«On: May 28, 2008, 03:15:53 AM»

Make Money Network 1 effectively.

average every 10 days then 2 weeks you have $ 50 in your pocket (you delicious ko)
That examinations are (hehehe)

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Anyone can join make money online, but ...


Must have the patience, determination high!

You must define thought to be after several months you can get money first.

If you read this paragraph to ensure that you have the patience, so please read more information about the form of money over the network (the network, online, online), the methods to increase income, the my experience to help you make money fast and efficient.
4. Forms of making money on the internet (make money on the Internet)
The form of money through the most popular but now I am involved are:


Earn money by reading emails advertising

Surfing the web earn money (Make money with autosurf)

Make money in GSO-media

Make money in klamm.de

4. 1. Earn money by reading e-mail message advertising

This is a form of money through the most popular, online when you are sure that you get more ads on the way money online this one. Main ago on my 2 years and start making money with this method. Specific information about methods of making money I own in popular categories: Make money by reading e-mail ad
Appearance money is 2:
4. 2. Make money surfing the web (Get Paid To Surf)

I make money form this after reading the e-mail ads. Can the company is the first StudioTraffic which company oldest and most prestigious. operation principles of this type of company is the member deposit account to upgrade (I can understand that underground fees members), so that the member is entitled to make money in it in a period, each day the members must surf a number of ad pages that regulated companies will be charged a percentage of account level% level (in StudioTraffic rate is 1%, time is money is 365 days, so, if you submit for the company, every day you earn 1% of the amount that you submit to, ie within 1 year you will earn 365% of the money you put out). The company uses money which you submit them to business in other sectors, money they earn interest to pay for the members, for you.

So sure you understand that this job allows you to earn lots of money if you invest a lot!

But drilling ... Mừng seats with you ...!

If the company has business interest, they have money to pay for you, if the business failed it? When they run away from a high bay, one can come at any time you want access to their page, but not! not see that Admin email notification that they have trouble at all, a week and then 2-3 weeks passed still do not see steam! The money you take home with life!

There are many false pretenses, promises to pay a high percentage, 4-5% per day, time money around 50-60 days or more, the money to its members easily. According to information from their page is within 50-60 days you will earn 300-400% or more money, whether they be business to earn 300-400% interest in short period of time as this?

Read this section to ensure you pessimistic, depressed too! Correct? But you know the seats with, I have news to tell you happy!

There are many companies reward bonus amount to $ 4-10 account level, when you sign up make money for them, so you can start making money without investing a cent any!

When you make money, you can use the money to upgrade the account, the account level to higher level, you will earn more money. So you can make money in a few pages without investment, not fear losing any money!

Specific information about the form this money at surfing the web earn money - earn money with autosurf. There I particularly popular way registered by surf, how to upgrade account, how to surf multiple pages at once ...
4. 3. Make money in GSO-media

This is the first entirely in Vietnamese, for Vietnamese people. Currently you can make money on this site by reading an email ad pages Get Paid To Read e-mail (GPTR) overseas, but the other is the message the ad is in English.

You read about specific registration and your money Category: Make Money in GSO-media
4. 4. Make money in Klamm.de

This is the German site, entirely in German. Earn money in this lot, ask your online time more, so this is a job suitable for those who use the computer, have online continuously.

If your online time more, you can combine making money on this site without much impact to the day that you often do.

Minimum to be paid is 5 EURO. Up to 8 months in 2005 I received 2 money from this page to your online bank Moneybookers.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Make Money on the Internet, real or fake?

When you're online, you sure have met a lot of advertising on the network on the web make money (make money online, online, online). There are many different opinions, the ad is that making money online is real, then that person is the fiddling, fast talking, time useless. On many forums, I met a lot of comments that enraged attitude, the News article about the ads for making money online, who they are? by my comments, they are:

* With food, employment stability, no problems in economics, finance.
* Never involved money on the Internet, never think of and may not want to think of making money on the Internet, they can not understand the concept: make money on the Internet, make money online, make money online online, make money online (make money on the Internet, make money online, make money online, make money online) is actually only one!

With the certificate of money from autosurf sites to your account online bank E-Gold, Moneybookers, I dare to affirm that you: Make money on the network (via network, online, online) is true!
2. Make money online easy or difficult?

Many ads that make money online very easy! That is not to have?

When you're online, you access a page on any ads, or any forum that you experience the ad money on the Internet with the title is very attractive, such as: Make Money on the Internet really is true! . Make money on the network HOT. Make money online actually 100% of 50 - 200 USD / month. Make money effectively on the Internet. Do not miss the chance to make your money. Make money without investment. Make Money on the Internet easy, high. Make money online - work at home. Opportunities to attract money are waiting for you. How to make money easiest way here. Make money not lose capital and effort. Earn money online fast and efficient. A make money online fast. Make money online with ... Make money online 100% real. How to make money on the Internet most prestige. 1 address money and prestige safety ... The ads that title very attractive but also the full power of persuasion! Must recognize that many people in advertising, have more knowledge about marketing and they have ... convinced!

Many people read the ad in line hăm crack, registration money now! but some people are making money patience, Durable and they earn an amount worthy of the effort they put out!

Remaining only be pursued for a few days, also is 1-2 months and then depressed, remove the!
So making money online is easy or difficult?

If you want to reply to your question, you need to participate in making money on the internet (make money on the Internet, online, online, over the network) is at least several months, you can know!
But now I can answer your questions!

Ago on 2 years, when online, I accidentally read a ad network that making money online (make money online) very easy! I hăm them up, and join right now to make wind! I also demonstrated is the patience, determination high, are not you?
During the last time I had drawn the conclusion that money on the Internet easy and just tacky!


* Read email not need to know much about computers and the internet. Receive, open the message and then click on the link in the message one can do!
* Make money surfing the web (Get Paid To Autosurf) is back as easily. Open a web browser, login to autosurf page, click on Start and then sit Surfing view site advertising the change-over in the period after the 20s also childish to do!


* Trouble is to find a reputable site, you receive the tien. Not all sites will pay for you, there are many fraud (SCAM)!. According to my comments is to have over 90% of the page fraud. Pages prestige, actually pay only about 10% of the total pages currently exist on the internet!
* A mistake that everyone have (including me) when you start making money on the Internet by reading e-mail advertising (Get Paid To Read) pages are selected email high-value from 5 - 10 cent or more. It is a big mistake, the sites send mail large value is that the payment to members. It easy to understand all, you do a calculation is known. Suppose a site has 10 000 members and their email value 10 cents. the company to buy ads to pay not less than $ 1 000 (0.1 x 10 $ 000 members). So they collected money advertising is very low, for example: 10cent solo mail to all only $ 1.98 (mail advertising value of 10 cents sent to all members, only $ 1.98). This is not including the site must also pay host, tien domen, and then have to put a bag of money to live without it anymore. Most people have the wrong is to start making money on the network are the sites selected email high value, and the result is read email without pay.
* Pages GPTR pay actual mail is sent with very low value of about 1 cent, even less than 1 cent. Therefore, also earn money is not easy.
* To read email earn money, you need to know little English, need to pay attention to not mistakenly click link to cheat, if you click the link to cheat they will delete your account and like how much effort by you go home with life!
To really make money, it must be even, Durable, and determination to take time and effort. Must be relatively long you can collect sufficient amount of the minimum (Payout) to be paid. Since the claim until you receive the funds also have to wait some time more!

If you do not patience, just want to make money in short period of time, as soon as possible the money on the internet (make money on the Internet, network, online, online) is not the most appropriate for you ! The best that you should not join because if you only pursue some day, also is 1-2 months leaving only the time useless!

Friday, March 13, 2009

How Bloggers Make Money from Blogs

How Bloggers Make Money from Blogs

Make Money BloggingDo you Want to Make Money Blogging? Subscribe to ProBlogger Today.
My Personal Income Streams

As an update to this post I’ve more recently written one on How I make Money Blogging which highlights the most profitable ways that I use blogs to generate income. I’ve also written extensively on how bloggers make money in ProBlogger the Book.
How do bloggers make money from blogs?

How-Bloggers-Make-MoneyI’ve been reflecting this week about the amazing diversity of opportunities that are opening up for bloggers to make money from blogging.

I’ve long advised that bloggers seeking to make money from blogging spread their interests across multiple revenue streams so as not to put all their eggs in one basket.

The wonderful thing is that this is becoming easier and easier to do 2005 has seen many options opening up. I thought I’d take a look at some of the methods that bloggers are currently using to make money through blogs.

Income Streams for Bloggers - How to Make Money Blogging

Advertising Programs - Perhaps the most obvious changes in the past few months have been with the addition of a variety of viable advertising options for bloggers looking to make money from their blogs. The most common way bloggers seem to earn money online is via the contextual ad program from Google - Adsense. A more recent addition that many are using successfully are Chitika’s eMiniMalls and WidgetBucks, Text Link Ads.

Azoogle Ads, Intelli Txt, DoubleClick, Tribal Fusion, Adbrite, Clicksor, AdHearUs, Kanoodle, Pheedo, TextAds, Bidvertiser, Fastclick and Value Click (to name just some of the options) and there is a smorgasbord of options. Of course there is more to come with MSN Adcenter and YPN both in beta testing and with a variety of other advertising system currently in development (YPN is only available to US publishers).

Lastly there’s BlogAds - one of the first blog specific ad networks.

RSS Advertising - The past 12 months have seen some advances in RSS Advertising also. I’m yet to hear of any bloggers making big money blogging through it to this point - but as improvements are made to the ad programs exploring this I’m sure we’ll start to see examples of it being profitable.

Sponsorship - In addition to the array of advertising programs that are available to join there is a growing awareness in the business of the value and opportunity that exists for them to advertise directly on blogs. I’m hearing more and more examples of this and have been fortunately to have a couple of ad campaigns of my own in the past month - one with Adobe a couple of weeks ago and another just completed with Ricoh for a new digicam over at my Digital Camera Blog. These are not isolated cases - as I say I know of many blogs exploring sponsorship with advertisers at present and suspect we’ll see more of it in the year ahead. Sponsorship is also happening on a post by post basis with some bloggers being paid to write on certain topics by companies - either in one off or a regular fashion - and they are able to make big money from their blogs doing so.

Affiliate Programs - There are larger affiliate programs like Amazon, Linkshare, Clickbank and Commission Junction but also literally thousands of others from the large to the very small.

Digital Assets - Increasing numbers of bloggers have been developing other digital assets to support and add revenue streams to their blogs. By this I mean that I’m increasingly seeing e-books, courses and tele-seminars being run by bloggers. My recent foray into this with the first series of the six figure blogging course that Andy and I ran a few weeks ago and have just released the study version of. This type of activity will only increase in future - in fact this week I’ve seen numerous examples of bloggers running courses.

Blog Network Opportunities - with the rise in popularity of Blog Networks - bloggers are also being presented with more places to earn an income from their blogging - by writing for and with others. While it might be difficult to get a writing gig with one of the bigger networks - there are plenty who are always asking for new bloggers to join and who are willing to pay bloggers using a variety of payment models. While there are distinct advantages of blogging for yourself - blogging for an established network who will handle a lot of the set up/promotion/admin/SEO etc has it’s advantages also. More and more bloggers are combining writing for themselves on their own blogs with taking on blog network blogs as additional income streams.

Business Blog Writing Opportunities - as blogging has risen in it’s profile as a medium more and more businesses are starting blogs. Many of these companies have internal staff take on blogging duties - but an increasing number of them are hiring specialist bloggers to come on and run their blogs. I know of a number of bloggers who in the past month or two have been approached for such paid work. Check out Bloggers for Hire if you’re looking for this type of work.

Non Blogging Writing Opportunities - Also becoming more common are bloggers being hired to write in non blogging mediums. Manolo’s recent coup of a column in the Washington Post is just one example of this as bloggers are increasingly being approached to write for newspapers, magazines and other non blog websites. Along side this is the rise of bloggers as published book authors - this is to the extent that one blogger I spoke with this week complained to me that they were one of the few bloggers than they knew who didn’t have a book deal!

Donations - Tip Jars and donation buttons have been a part of blogging for years now but this last year saw a number of bloggers go full time after fund raising drives. Perhaps the most high profile of these was Jason Kottke of kottke.org who through the generosity of his readership was able to quit his job and become a full time blogger.

Flipping Blogs - Also more common in 2005 was the practice of ‘Blog Flipping’ - or selling of blogs. This has happened both on an individual blog level (I can think of about 20 blogs that sold this year) but also on a network level (the most obvious of these being the 8 figure sale of Weblogs Inc to AOL).

Merchandising - My recent attempt to sell ProBlogger.net T-shirts wasn’t a raging success, but it is an example of how an increasing number of bloggers are attempting to make a few extra dollars from their blogs by selling branded products through programs like Cafepress. While I didn’t have a lot of success with merchandising - quite a few larger blogs are seeing significant sales - especially blogs with a cult following. I’m not at liberty to discuss details - but I know of one largish blog which will see sales over $20,000 in merchandise for the calendar year of 2005.

Consulting and Speaking - While it has been popular for established consultants to add blogs to their businesses we’re also starting to see bloggers with no consulting background able to make money by charging readers for their time in consulting scenarios BECAUSE of the profile that their blogs have built them. Blogging has the ability to establish people as experts on niche topics and we all know the value of being perceived as an expert. I spoke to one blogger last month who charges himself out at over $200 an hour for speaking and consulting work - his area of expertise was something that he knew little about 18 months ago - but through his blog he’s become a leader in his field and a minor celebrity in his industry.

As time rolls on there are more and more ways that bloggers make money from their blogs opening up. Feel free to suggest your own ideas and experiences in comments below.

Update: Looking for more information on how to make money blogging? Here’s a post I wrote talking about my own experience - particularly looking at the top ways that I make money from blogs.